Technology: Friend or Foe?

I’m not a techy person, but I do like technology. I enjoy the way it works to make life easier, and I’m generally interested in the newest gadgets. That being said, technology doesn’t always like me. Or at least it would seem at times to be less friend and more foe.

For instance, you may have been the recipient of emails that were clearly meant for one individual, but instead, went out en masse. Cringy, right? Yeah, well, I’ve had a few of those cringy moments myself.

One of them occurred years ago, when I was a newish insurance underwriter. I was going to be out of the office, and needed to send an email to the girl covering my desk. Wanting to give her a heads-up about an agent who was known for their adversarial approach, I mentioned the underwriter may want to be prepared, because the agent could be “a real witch.” Not one of my finer moments, clearly. And while, thankfully, I didn’t send the email to the whole company, you can probably guess what happened. Yes, instead of sending the email to my coworker, I sent it to the agent in question.

The worst part is that I didn’t realize my mistake until I received a response saying, “I’m assuming you didn’t mean for this email ABOUT me to go TO me.”

Sadly, that wasn’t my last technological faux pas. A few years later, I was speaking with my boss about updates needed on a project I was leading. My boss was on board with the changes, and asked me to cover them in a (virtual) stakeholder meeting we were heading into.

Shortly thereafter, everyone was logged into the call, and my boss turned things over to me. I started going over the proposal, also sharing my screen, so everyone could see the metrics I’d be referring to.

To my surprise, my boss reacted as though he knew nothing about the changes. So again, not one of my finer moments, but I started messaging one of my colleagues on the side. I was asking her what was wrong with our boss, and telling her I had just talked to him about some changes – and now we were on a call, and it was like he’d never heard of them!

About that time, I heard someone on the call saying, “Kendra, you’re sharing your screen.” I vaguely recall thinking, “Well, of course I am,” as I continued the diatribe with my coworker. Finally, the person on the call said again, “Kendra! You’re sharing your screen!” Then she quietly added, “We can see everything.”

And indeed they could. Everyone on the call, including my boss, could see what I was saying… about him.

I learned some hard lessons through these situations. Namely, to be diplomatic and to be kind. And that perchance, if something unkind does run through your mind, you don’t have to share that thought. You can instead refute the thought with grace toward the other person.

Lessons aside though, every once in a while, I think of these stories when I see a blooper here in the blogging community. Which then reminds me that while technology can be a great friend, it’s not a very forgiving one. So, does that make it more foe and less friend? I guess it just depends on the day. Oh, and in my case, maybe also the person using it.

For more posts about God and life, you can find my blog page here. I can also be found on Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. Thank you for stopping by. Blessings!

Featured image by Pexels

28 responses to “Technology: Friend or Foe?”

  1. I miss the days when knowing how to dial a telephone was considered technology. 😯😊

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    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      I hear you! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. These stories are sooo funny, but I’m sure at the time it wasn’t ! 🥺 I’m reminded of the verse in Prov. 25:11. It’s the “fitly “ part that gets us from time to time 🫢. Lord, help my words be fitly! Welcome back , Kendra! 💝💝

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      That’s such a good verse, and one I’d forgotten about! And no, my words were definitely NOT fitly spoken at either of these times. Not sure how I kept my job, come to think of it. Lol! And thank you, starting to feel less jet lagged and more like me again. 😊🤍


  3. Ouch!!! You are very brave to confess your mistakes. Kind of like Jonah telling how he ran from God. Kind of funny in hindsight!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Well, what can you do but laugh?! 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Really difficult moments can happen with technology or the old fashioned way. I think of the verse, “Behold your sins will find you out.” (Numbers 32:23) I have opened my mouth in the wrong place and been heard by the one I was speaking badly of–no technology needed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      That’s an excellent point! I suppose it’s best to take our frustrations to the Lord (and quietly sometimes, at that)! In any case, it makes me feel better to know I’m not the only one who’s done things like this.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The best thing to do is soften your heart and ask God to help you and meditating on the Word of God. It is one of the things I am working on. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. An Audience of One Avatar
          An Audience of One

          So very true!

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh Kendra! I think we’ve all had an email oops akin to your “witchy woman” story and the screen sharing whoops? Funny because it’s oh-so relatable. We could start trading goof ups…they happen…even to sweet ones like you. Thanks for sharing…I can always use reminders. 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      I’m glad you can relate, Vicki! There’s definitely the whole sinking feeling thing that goes along with these kind of moments. So… it’s a good reminder to all of us, but mostly me. 😆

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh….you are not alone! There’s a reason why I keep track of “roll call” and who joins meetings that are old fashioned conference calls. I did something super stupid once as I threw shade at someone who WAS in the meeting…even tho I didn’t think she was invited. Yikes! 🤪

        Liked by 1 person

        1. An Audience of One Avatar
          An Audience of One

          Haha!! Me thinks that would be a good post. Would love to hear more! 😃

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, Kendra – great stories and we share your pain. I remember a customer once emailing my colleague and I to ask for a discount because of the amount of work he was doing with us. My colleague wrote him back thinking she was just emailing me and said, “You wish.” He never said anything about the discount again… 🙂

    Technology…let’s hope we can befriend it someday… 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Oh boy! I just literally laughed out loud. That one’s classic! Thank you for sharing it! 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Well, Kendra, I am pleased you survived professionally — you did, right? In any case you are here to tell these tales!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Thank you, Dr. Stein! I did indeed survive, believe it or not! 😊

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  8. […] I shared a couple of situations from the past where I’d really butchered the use of technology. But sometimes, it’s not about how well we use technology, it’s about not using it at all. […]


  9. […] for this noodling comes from my friend Kendra and her blog, “An Audience of One”.  Kendra posted recently about whoopsie issues where she candidly made a few honest, relatable mistakes.  So relatable that […]


  10. We’ve all made mistakes like the one you describe. For me, a truthful person who isn’t the best at knowing what’s really going on with the technology at her fingertips, things like this happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      You said that so well, Ally. Being truthful doesn’t always mix well with technology. Funny thing though about the agent I mentioned. She really was horrible to work with, and I think she knew it. Because after that incident, she was ALWAYS pleasant. My boss was a different story – he warmed up again eventually, but my raise wasn’t the greatest that year. 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  11. […] not sure whether there’s a WP glitch, an update is needed on my end, or it’s just my lack of technological skills. But whatever the case, if something like this happens, or has happened, I […]


    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Thanks for stopping by 😊


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