Living Life In Real Time

Recently, I shared a couple of situations from the past where I’d really butchered the use of technology. But sometimes, it’s not about how well we use technology, it’s about not using it at all. Which is something I need to be reminded of every so often.

Take the smartphone, for instance. There are great advantages to using one. I love the fact you can easily do anything from reading to taking online classes to blogging to shopping. All from the convenience of, well, anywhere. Have a few minutes? Fantastic! Let me look up that article I’ve been wanting to read. This line isn’t moving very fast? No problem, I’ll work on that blog in my draft folder.

But… while the convenience and functionality of smartphones can be useful, there are definite pitfalls to be aware of. When we’re constantly focused on the next project and making use of every minute, we miss much of the beauty in life.

Our health can become negatively impacted as well. For example, excessive screen time is hard on the eyes and skin. And our neck and shoulders weren’t designed to be in a “looking down” position for extended periods of time.

This is something I’m trying to remain actively aware of. Of remembering to look up, away from my cell phone, and into the faces of those around me. Of taking in feelings of thankfulness for each moment as it arrives. Not because of something I see reflected on a screen, but because of what’s taking place in real life.

Since Thanksgiving is a time to be intentionally thankful, it presents a perfect opportunity to do just that. And so, today of all days, may our smartphones be set aside, if only for a while. And may our eyes and our hearts be turned upward, toward the ones – and the ONE – we love the most.

For more posts about God and life, you can find my blog page here. I can also be found on Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. Thank you for stopping by. Blessings!

Featured image by Pexels

15 responses to “Living Life In Real Time”

  1. Beautiful post and great reminder, Kendra!! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for you, my new friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Thank you, Wynne! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mr. D, Miss O, Jill, and the rest of the bunch today. And oh, I am thankful for YOU! 🤍

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh geez…speaking of technology…let me try this again…my third try to post some love…so if the original hearts pop up…please just take it as a sign that I needed to send a little extra. Once more…here they come…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      I’ve been having issues too, so must be something going on. But I’ll take extra love any day. 😊 Hope you have a wonderful, fantastical Thanksgiving, Vicki! Love to you, the hub, DD, and Lisa!! 🤍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right back at you, dear one (the love, that is, not the technical glitches!) Love to your tall hubs 😉 Garrett and the whole family. And I will tell Lisa you said hello, for sure. She’s helping me work on stuffing/dressing at the moment and she’s hot-dog happy to be up to her elbows in ‘stuffing stuff’. Which is why MY fingers can be on a keyboard for a few minutes. xo! 😉

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        1. An Audience of One Avatar
          An Audience of One

          That’s so wonderful!! 🥰 And thank you so much!! ❤️❤️

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely thought! All the best to you and yours, Kendra.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Thank you, Dr. Stein! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  4. Oops! You caught me with my phone in my hand! Ha… Great reminder!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Haha! Well, you know I won’t make it all day either, but I aim to be better when I’m not flying solo (and my chores are done). 😃


  5. Happy Thanksgiving! The Lord’s steadfast love endures forever and his faithfulness forever! So grateful to the Lord for all he does for me each day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Amen and amen! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Kendra! Blessings!


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