Bloom Where You’re Planted

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”

Viktor Frankl

Years ago, I selected the Mary Englebreicht phrase, “Bloom Where You’re Planted,” as the title for an introductory Toastmasters speech. It was fitting, as in my early years, my dad was an evangelist, so we traveled a lot, going from church to church. Then later, we moved to Canada to start a church of our own, before eventually coming back to our home state of California.

Choosing “Bloom Where You’re Planted” as a speech topic was more than a way of describing the logistics of my upbringing though. It was also a way of describing the mentality I aim for in life. No, I can’t say I always succeed in having a sunny disposition. And sometimes it takes a while to reach the blooming phase. But I do try to remind myself we can flourish wherever we are. And that we must allow sunshine to infiltrate our consciousness in order for good things to grow and thrive.

Granted, situations won’t always be as we’d like them to be. At times, it may feel like we’ve been rooted within a crack in the asphalt, rather than a beautiful flower garden. But a flower is no less a flower for growing in a place where one wouldn’t suppose it to be. And it may even serve a greater purpose by being planted in a less than desirable place. For by being there, it can provide a splash of color and a whiff of fragrance to passersby, thus delighting their senses unexpectedly.

So, today, regardless of the circumstances we may find ourselves in, let’s stretch our petals upward and outward, and spread joy to those we encounter. Wherever we may be planted, let’s make a conscious decision to bloom!

Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun:

Ecc. 11:7

For more posts about God and life, you can find my blog page here. I can also be found on Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter. Thank you for stopping by. Blessings!

Featured image by Pexels

16 responses to “Bloom Where You’re Planted”

  1. Your essay reminds me of the ancient Latin phrase, “Amor Fati.” It means to love your fate, a notion Stoics were (and are) especially taken with. Good ideas take many forms, Kendra. I imagine you might agree.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Oh, I love that phrase, Dr. Stein. I used to have it on the home page of my phone as a reminder, but alas, it got replaced with a digital to-do list. Thank you for reminding me of it again. It’s so good!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. As you might know, Kendra, these days, you can find the “Amor Fati” phrase on t-shirts and medallions — perhaps in other places, too. If you wore it, you’d wind up in some interesting conversations.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. An Audience of One Avatar
          An Audience of One

          I imagine you’re right about the conversations! Reminds me of your recent post/comment about learning from everything and everyone around us. Your idea here is a great way to do that. I’m going to keep an eye out for one of those t-shirts! 👏🏼


          1. Here you go:

            I am not at all connected to the seller. You might also look for one a bit less threatening in its embedded image!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. An Audience of One Avatar
              An Audience of One

              Why, bless your heart (no pun intended on the image)! That was very thoughtful – thank you! 🤍

              P. S. This (those conversations) could lead to future blog posts, you know. 🙂


              1. Yes. Be brave!

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Cheers to stretching petals! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One



  3. I’m very happy to know you can find something of beauty in the many times we uprooted you! Thanks for your generosity! I’m wondering how you actually felt at the time. You were always cheerful no matter how you felt. Thanks for making it easier on us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Oh Mom, I loved it! I never felt uprooted at all. It was fun meeting so many new and wonderful people. I wouldn’t have traded it. 🤍🤍


  4. What a beautiful post, Kendra! And I love the comment from your mom – it’s so telling about who you are!

    The Frankl quote, the Ecclesiastes scripture are great. But more than that I love how you use the word flourish which is different than bloom and in many ways more important. Wonderful post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      Thank you for your ever thoughtful comments, Wynne. I love what you said about the word flourish. I wasn’t even thinking that deeply, but you’re so right. Thanks again – I appreciate you! 🤍

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I actually think that a flower can have a special kind of beauty when it has to “push” it’s way to beauty! It’s in the hard times that we grow strong, not so fun, but sometimes needed to flourish! Thank you, Kendra, you always strike a note with me. 🌸🌼🌺🌹💐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An Audience of One Avatar
      An Audience of One

      I love that, Becky. Your comment also reminds me of one of the reasons I enjoy blogging so much. It’s like you start with one thought, then someone adds on to it, and suddenly you’re going down a whole different path. It’s so fun! Thank you for your thoughtful comments! Love you! 🤍


  6. […] recently shared a post titled Bloom Where You’re Planted, describing the way I try to approach life. That’s not to say I always succeed, and when I do, […]


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